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  • 79% average training completion rate
  • 2 minute average lesson completion time
  • 98% workforce satisfaction score
  • 15% reduction in employee turnover

Theresa Micheli Pet Supermarket 1

"eduMe is extremely well positioned to fill the needs for training in today’s world."

Theresa Micheli, Senior Manager Store Operations, Pet Supermarket


The US-based retail chain Pet Supermarket was in the market for a training solution that would enable them to standardize and improve the quality and efficiency of their training, and empower employees to provide a best-in-class customer experience

With the goal of enriching their training material in mind, Pet Supermarket partnered with eduMe in order ensure the on-the-job success of retail staff across their 220 North American branches. 

Since using Guides on eduMe - a highly consumable, short-form, social media-style learning format - to deliver engaging, impactful content to their Gen Z-skewing workforce, Pet Supermarket has seen a 79% average completion rate, 2 minute average completion time, and a 98% workforce satisfaction rate.

Our company not only sees the value in training, we’re taking action to invest

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Pet Supermarket's Challenge

Striving to deliver an exceptional customer experience that was intimate, personalized and went beyond the point of transaction, Pet Supermarket needed a means of delivering information on products, offers and customer care in a way that would rise above the noise of other weekly communications, was scalable, enjoyable, and led to improved performance workforce-wide.

We aim to have very well trained team members so they can truly engage our pet owners in conversation and confidently provide them with support.

By delivering training in-person that did not command attention, excite employees, and was difficult to standardize, the company risked poor employee engagement and inconsistent workforce knowledge levels between branches, compromising their employees’ ability to deliver a one-of-a-kind experience.

The question was - how do we bring training to life for our retail team?

Being a time-poor, dispersed and customer-facing workforce, it was also essential that this material was concise, engaging, and met employees where they were, without the need for them to jump through too many hoops to access or complete it.

Today’s workforce is time and attention span constrained. Gone are the days of training that takes a long time and is not relevant to the workforce.

eduMe’s Solution

eduMe Guides, delivered contextually through QR codes placed in-store, made knowledge accessible at retail staff’s fingertips - just a scan away, with no requirement to leave the shop floor, download an app, or sign in.

Confidence comes from being knowledgeable about what they’re talking about, their love of the industry and pets. eduMe is at the center of that

This coupled with the fact that once employees reached the training they were faced with a highly familiar social-media style learning format they could quickly tap through, led to higher completion rates, greater workforce satisfaction with training, and strengthened employee knowledge.

How to Retain your Retail Employees: The Ultimate Guide

Contextual relevance

Through QR codes placed in-store that on scan immediately bring employees into relevant training, upskilling them in their moment of need, the right knowledge was delivered at the right time, empowering employees to provide a consistently efficient and personalized service.

Guides are applicable to what I need answers for. They’re created by people like me. They’re entertaining, quick, and easy to digest

Familiar formats

Built to mimic the experience on social media platforms employees know, use and love, Guides created a positive association to training among Pet Supermarket’s employees, and inspired the enthusiastic engagement necessary to elevate workforce-wide performance.

Think of TikTok for Training... That's Guides

Try an example guide on how to provide a great customer experience 👇 (for illustration purposes only - not used by Pet Supermarket).

QR Mikes Top Tips


Democratized content creation

Simple and intuitive to create, Guides can be made by anyone. This supported generation of content by employees themselves - involving those on the ground, who knew best about individual store needs and their own knowledge gaps, in the creation process.

The best way to build Guides is having our own employees do so with guidance from us. When you get people involved in building the culture around them and let them know their voice is heard - they’ll stay

An interactive experience

With reaction, quiz and feedback options, Guides allowed Pet Supermarket to reinforce and consolidate knowledge, and measure the effectiveness of their training and employee sentiment, in one.

The results

Following the roll out of eduMe Guides across their 220 stores nationwide, Pet Supermarket have seen training being completed faster, training being better engaged with, and employees reporting high levels of satisfaction with training.

We need the best trained pet enthusiasts anywhere so we’ve got to empower them with efficient, effective training delivery vehicles like eduMe.

The multiple, contextual, touchpoints through which Pet Supermarket makes training accessible promotes the highest engagement possible among their frontline employees - the company enjoys a 79% average course completion rate - 49% higher than the industry average for optional training. 

eduMe is extremely well positioned to fill the needs for training in today’s world.

Due to their digestible, highly consumable nature, the companies usage of Guides has meant training is completed on average in only 2 minutes, significant as it means minimal disruption to employees’ productivity and more time spent on the shop floor, with brevity having the bonus effect of improved knowledge retention among learners. 

Finally, Guides proved popular among employees, who reported a high satisfaction rate - 89% stating they enjoyed being upskilled in this manner.  

Want to achieve results like this for your business?

Add your details below and we'll set up time to talk about how eduMe can help improve your workforce onboarding, productivity and safety 👇
