eduMe Blog

3 Ways to Improve Your Mobile Training

Written by Amy Watts | September 20, 2021

It’s never been more important to continuously improve the quality of your educational output, and having an effective mobile training strategy is crucial to maintaining an engaged, productive and loyal workforce. 

With technology advancing everyday, and attention spans becoming shorter by the second, many companies are now opting for a training strategy that’s mobile-based. It's an increasingly popular choice, and unsurprisingly so, given mobile-learning has the potential to improve workforce productivity by 43%. 

If you’re one of the ones who’ve already made the transition - or even if you’re one of the ones considering - how can you optimize your corporate training strategy to ensure your team reaps maximum reward from every Learning & Development initiative you launch?

Read on for three simple solutions that will amplify the impact of any training delivered via a mobile e learning software.

How can I improve my mobile learning strategy?

1. Analyze performance

Analyzing performance metrics enables you to understand whether your content is relevant, effective and being retained, as well as equips you with the knowledge needed to improve your future training endeavors. 

You may have spent time and money crafting content that looks immaculate, but without analysis (how is it being received?) followed by establishing your own performance benchmarks (what constitutes success for us, performance-wise), and any content created will be a stab in the dark. 

Looking at analytics gives you insight into the microscopic - who is using your mobile training on a group and individual level, what peoples’ engagement patterns are, what the completion rates for a lesson are and where people are struggling.

Once you’ve spotted a trend, the next step is evaluation. Are multiple people struggling on a particular question, or exiting the lesson at a similar point? Is this a problem with the material (e.g. the way it's worded, the length of the video), or a lack of knowledge on the learner’s part? 

Making a habit of analysis followed by evaluation will equip you with actionable insights on how you can improve your training, and in turn, boost employee engagement, performance and retention, maximizing the ROI of your investment.

2. Ask for feedback

The best way to optimize training delivered via mobile learning apps is to turn to those who are using them. Asking for peoples’ feedback means you can ensure that your mobile learning content is learner-led and provides them with the information they need to perform at their best and set them up for success.

An effective way to receive regular feedback from your learners is to implement pulse surveys. A pulse survey is a brief set of questions sent regularly to your employees in order to stay up to date with their views on a number of areas, from the relevance of the learning topics provided, to what motivates them to complete a course.

Asking for brief yet frequent insights from your workforce allows you to keep a finger on the pulse of their learning behaviors without bombarding them with questions. And because it’s brief, people are more inclined to complete it - pulse surveys see a 55% higher engagement rate than conventional employee engagement surveys.

Feedback isn’t just beneficial for improving your mobile learning experience; it also boosts performance. Encouraging employees to give feedback makes them feel heard and means they are 4.6 times more likely to perform their best work.

Ensuring that your pulse surveys are focused on a specific course or new software feature will allow you to gain an even richer insight into their day-to-day behaviour, and how mobile learning fits into it.

3. Make use of the full range of features

It may seem obvious, but a mobile-based training management software, like eduMe, comes equipped with a whole host of features built to maximize engagement, e.g. gamification and pulse surveys.

By presenting content in a variety of formats and making full use of the features that your mobile learning platform has to offer, you make sure you get the most from your investment.

Video content, in particular, is extremely important when it comes to engaging your learners. As the online population gets more and more accustomed to consuming education, news and entertainment content via short form video snippets, it’s important to replicate this via your mobile learning platform.

Research actually shows that team members who consume information via video are 95% more likely to retain it. Adapting corporate training to peoples’ existing digital habits will not only encourage learners to engage with and retain your education content, it will also become a part of their daily routine and encourage continuous learning.

Another software feature not to be missed is gamification which is proven to boost employee engagement by up to 60%. Gamification involves incorporating game-style incentives into your training activities, such as allowing learners to earn points, unlock rewards and compete against peers on leaderboards. The same goes for other features that make social media apps so addictive, namely quizzes/polls, visual cues and interactive activities.

Looking to make the switch to mobile training, or improve your current offering? 

With an award-winning product that features bite-sized microlearning, real time analytics, pulse surveys and more, years of expertise, and companies like Uber, Deliveroo and Gopuff as clients, we’re well equipped to help.

Get in touch to find out how we can help improve your mobile training experience 👇